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Mental Health Tips

  • Get plenty of sleep: Sleep regulates the chemicals in our brain that transmit information. These chemicals also play a role managing our moods and emotions. Therefore, lack of sleep can sometimes make us feel depressed or anxious.


  • Eat well: Eating well isn't just important for our bodies, but it's also important for our minds. Certain mineral deficiencies, such as iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies, can give us a low mood. Try to eat a balanced diet. If you find you're a particularly stressed or anxious person, you should try limiting or cutting out caffeine as this can make you feel jittery and anxious.​


  • Get plenty of sunlight: Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D which can help our brains release chemicals. These chemicals, endorphins and serotonin, can help improve our mood.


  • Managing stress: Stress is often unavoidable, but knowing what triggers your stress and how to cope is key in maintaining good mental health. Try to manage your responsibilities and worries by making a list or a schedule of when you can resolve each issue. Often if you break down your worries and stresses and write them down, you realize that they are manageable.


  • Exercising: Being active can give you a sense of achievement and boost chemicals in your brain that put you in a good mood. Exercising can help eliminate low mood, anxiety, stress and feeling tired and lazy.


  • Connect with others and be social: Make an effort to maintain good relationships and talk to people whenever you get the chance. Having friends is important not just for your self-esteem, but also for providing support when you're not feeling too great. Research has found that talking to others for just ten minutes can improve memory and test scores!


“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”

Glenn Close

Reaching Out to the Sun
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